Tuesdays With The Angels-Friends

When my husband passed away a few years ago a woman who has worked for me for almost twenty years now wrote me a note. Over the years she has become my dear friend. As I struggled,  my world broken in pieces, her note gave me comfort.  “When we are alone we don’t notice angelic hands on our shoulders but they are there. The smallest of angels is more powerful than the largest of earthly problems. I’m praying for you.” 

My life long friends will always be angels on earth for me.

Tuesdays With The Angels – Mr. Angel

I visited Houston in June many years ago. My dear friend Nancy asked me to go with her to visit her friend for a girls week. Nancy knew I was struggling, mourning the death of my precious daughter, Kate. My fear of flying had escalated and moving on was difficult. We went shopping in a lovely department store, nice and cool away from the heat. We met a kind older gentlemen in the men’s department. He appeared to be shopping as Nancy bought a tie for her husband. This man talked to us for a moment exchanging pleasantries. He was visiting Houston also he said. We thought nothing of our meeting until the next day when Nancy took me to the town of Kemah to go shopping again. She had never been to the town about 34 miles from Houston. We were in a tiny gift shop when we heard someone say,”Hello!” It was the gentleman again. We were surprised and talked to him a few moments. He said to me, “See you at the airport!” We laughed with him at the coincidence of meeting again, and turned away to look at the gifts. When we turned back to him a minute or so later the man was gone. We thought it was odd. Did he have time to leave the store? Nancy and I immediately left the store and looked up and down the street.He was nowhere. We sat in chairs outside a restaurant trying to figure out what the odds were we would see the man again especially so far away from Houston and in the same little store. All these years later we still talk about the man. Maybe he was an angel, we think, sent to comfort me and ease my fear of flying. Mr. Angel as I call him is one of the reasons I write novels about angels living as humans. He is the reason my fear of flying lessened. The experience helps me move forward loving my family, my friends with kindness and hope.

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Messages

“If you knew who walked beside you at all times on this path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” Wayne W. Dyer (1940-2015) 


Sitting in a cafe in New York City not long ago, I spotted a tree growing on a roof top apartment patio high above the streets, its limbs spreading towards the bluest sky. In my novel To Catch an Angel, my character, Maggie has psychic abilities hearing the hum of life in trees. She finds comfort and can sense the energy especially in the Bishop Pine behind her home. The tree on the New York patio is obviously nourished there. Just looking at it brought me inspiration. Aren’t we all nourished by someone near or far on  sunny days and rainy days? Some of our friends, family members, and sometimes even strangers become angels on earth to us. I believe real angels do walk beside us always, guiding with love and goodwill.  I have had my own experience where I might have met an angel. If you have had an experience of your own, I would love to hear about it with a most grateful heart.