Tuesdays With The Angels-Inspiring Christmas Stories

I’ve always loved Christmas and the themes of treasured Christmas books that write themselves into the fabric of my heart and on to the pages of my latest novel.

The Night Before Christmas took me from childhood imagining into Mystic Bay Novel Series 4. With visions of Santa and reindeer in my mind, I wrote a story of horses needing rescued before Christmas and love that changes everything.

In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the cruel Scrooge changes when visited by spirits of his past, present and  yet to come, who show him how his miserly ways have caused much suffering.  My books always include a man or woman who has earned the characteristics of a Scrooge. But as all good stories can end, my characters find their way to goodness and love.

Even the Grinch in How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss can have his heart changed for good. Town of Angels Christmas is my way of honoring my love of Christmas. The themes are filled with hope for a troubled yet beautiful world. Fences built on love can change everything in a beloved
Christmas story. Merry Christmas  Everyone!

Tuesdays With The Angels-Writing A Christmas Story

Town of Angels Christmas my latest novel is 4th in the Mystic Bay Series. I’ve always loved Christmas time. My ideas for this story came from my love for animals and concern for all animals well being. This story has a theme of horse rescue but also, as always, a theme of  love and angels. To me the thought of love and angels goes together. The angels which grace my Christmas tree every year and  Christmas songs of  angels give me hope for a world where love is the theme. I have been through great loss in my life but with the love of family, friends and the ability to write, I move forward hopefully inspiring others.