Tuesdays With The Angels-Bullying Legal Immigrants is the Opposite of Kindness

In the news, the political bullies are spreading falsehoods about legal immigrants. All of us unless we are of Native American descent come from people who made many sacrifices to get to our democracy in the United States of America.

Bullying everywhere across the world should stop. I remember when my late daughter, Kate, as a six- year- old brought home a friend from school. I spoke to the mother on the phone and Kate never mentioned the girl had a different skin color  or was from a different country. Children are born with  goodness in their hearts. However, many adults in our beautiful world are teaching bullying by their words and actions. How unfortunate to lie to our children about people from other ethnicities or countries.  Does the bully know that Bullying is synonymous with the word hatred? Three truths: Bullying with lies hurts our children’s future. Harmony, Kindness, Forgiveness bring us all a life of love. The Bully Never Wins.