Tuesdays With The Angels- The Heart Knows Right From Wrong

February is Valentine’s month where loved ones share cards and gifts. Cupid arrows are in the air and many hearts are filled with love. The angels send me words and thoughts to share.

Like our hearts are filled with other things like the sense of right and wrong. Today I would imagine that all of us adults know right from wrong. We may not express it but intrinsictly we know even as we are saying or doing things we shouldn’t. We know cruelty is wrong and harsh words and bullying and name calling are wrong. Today in the news of politics we are seeing adults engage in these petty, cruel schoolyard acts. Perhaps We all should consider Love in words and deeds for kindness is the first ingredient of love. Teach children Love.

Posted in Angel Stories, Bullying and Children, Love Always Wins, Love and Kindness.

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