Tuesday With The Angels-Angel Inspiration Ribbons of Kindness

I believe angels send me messages when I’m trying to go to sleep each night or when I wake up in the middle of the night. As I write my newest Mystic Bay Series novel about angels living as humans in the fantasy town I created, a recent  message  came in the night. Ribbons of Kindness.

I interpret this to mean that in this tumultuous time in our world when millions are scared of the uncertainty of peace, harmony and livlihood, there are ribbons of kindness flowing from many to help us all. It may be a stranger who smiles at us, a courteous driver who let’s us in a lane, a friendly word from an acquaintance or a loving hug and word from a loved one.

It may be the helping hands of ours or others who reach out to the less fortunate. As we trek through this time remember that love always wins, the bully always loses and kindness is there as a ribbon in your days. Being kind to others is a heroic part of love. In essensce kindness is the essential part of love. The angels know this to be true for sure. Whatever we do today and tomorrow please be part of the ribbon of kindness.

Posted in Angel Light, Bullying and Children, Inspirationa, Kindness Matters, Love Always Wins, Love and Kindness, Messages From Angels.

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