Town of Angels Christmas my latest novel is 4th in the Mystic Bay Series. I’ve always loved Christmas time. My ideas for this story came from my love for animals and concern for all animals well being. This story has a theme of horse rescue but also, as always, a theme of love and angels. To me the thought of love and angels goes together. The angels which grace my Christmas tree every year and Christmas songs of angels give me hope for a world where love is the theme. I have been through great loss in my life but with the love of family, friends and the ability to write, I move forward hopefully inspiring others.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Writing About Christmas
Writing about Christmas and angels in my latest novel in the Mystic Bay Series, Town of Angels Christmas, quieted yet fueled my mind. Christmas time has always given me joy even through the hard times of my life from childhood to adulthood. Why? Because thoughts of Christmas gave me what I needed most, hope for the world, hope for those I love and for my own life. God has given me the ability to write about angels. My father wrote, my great great aunt was a writer. And so I wrote little stories as a child, poems as a young adult and started writing novels in my fifties. My books have themes of love, redemption, awakening, forgiveness and hope. To totally forgive others, love unconditionally and wish others well, is a goal I strive for. If you read Town of Angels Christmas or any of my four in the Mystic Bay Series, my children’s book, When The Angel Sent Butterflies or my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder, you will find the roadmap of my life. Christmas is always in my heart and finding the spirit of Christmas is all I need, just a wing and a prayer.
Tuesdays With The Angels- The Peace Within
Writing is healing for me, healing my worries of everyday problems. I find writing the Mystic Bay Series, my memoir and children’s book helped me search for the peacefulness within. Wanting so much for readers of my books to cherish the angel characters, townsfolk and animals amid the loving kind ways of Mystic Bay, I write on.
I pray for the world, for my family and friends, sending love and angels from my heart. I’ve gone through the sorrow of losing a child with hope, with faith and gratitude for precious memories, for what I have now and what can be. I don’t apologize for the ideal wish of peace, love and harmony. For these words to me can heal all the broken hearts in the world.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Dreams andHope Eternal
Hope and dreams mean the same thing to me. I write books about angels in novels, my memoir and children’s book. From childhood, I always had hope God was with me and angels were by my side too, Hope and dreams propelled me spiritually to this part of my life. No, I don’t have wings on my back but I have wings of hope and dreams in my heart and mind. I hope to reach others with my books and thoughts. I hope the world becomes more loving and giving to others. So many people in the world need hopes and dreams. That’s what keeps all of us going. My hope is for peace, for love to be what drives our days. I’m writing screen treatments for each of my books in the Mystic Bay Series. These four novels need to be inspirational films so they can reach more people. I can dream and hope can’t I? Hopes and dreams are free, just like love.
Tuesdays With The Angels- The Angel Music of Christmas
It was only a matter of time before I would write Town of Angels Christmas, the 4th in my Mystic Bay Series. My childhood Christmas’ were filled with music. My father played his Christmas record collection whenever he was home from work and my sister, brother and I would know the words by heart singing along, bringing us hopeful anticipation of the special day. The songs of angels like Hark the Harold Angels Sing by Nat King Cole, brought the spirit of Christmas into my heart. My novels take place in the town of Mystic Bay where love and angels abound. Readers tell me it’s a town they want to live in. Come along to a heartwarming town where the spirit of Christmas lives in everyone’s heart, especially mine.
Tuesdays With The Angels- Pure Imagination
See the angel in the clouds above the mountains? I do, with my imagination. I imagined my new novel Town of Angels Christmas because every year my fictitious town of Mystic Bay holds a Christmas parade where music abounds. I believe in angels and the power of our imagination and that music helps us all imagine. On America’s Got Talent, Jimmie Herrod, sung the beautiful song, Pure Imagination from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Jimmy, a contestant, sung like an angel. My imagination is used in writing all my books where I imagine a town of kindness, a place of love. Music can move our imagination. Only if we imagine the world peaceful, only if we imagine our part to help, the world can change come. I ask the angels to help me everyday. Just Imagine.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Imagine Angels
Watching John Legend and Keith Urban sing Imagine by John Lennon at the opening of the Olympics brought home what I’ve always known, music is God’s gift to us, an ingredient of Love. My heartfelt wish for the world ….a world where we would all really live as one. Hope should be in everyone’s heart.
Hope in humanity is ever present in my soul. When I met the man named Ken on a plane five years ago, I was inspired to write a kind man, who was really an angel, the character Angel Ken. I told Ken I would write him in my novel Town of Angels as an angel and I did. I gave him my card but he never contacted me. There are many people I know and meet who have the quality angels have. It’s a quality so many have but aren’t using. With gentleness of heart, I write. People may say I’m a dreamer as the song, Imagine, goes. So, I’ll keep writing books about love, forgiveness, hope and redemption. This is what I dream about. Imagine and dare to believe in angels. Imagine angels singing above, imagine God is telling the angels to inspire us not only with music but with good deeds. Imagine a future where our children and grandchildren know peace and joy. Maybe peace will happen because of music. I wrote this in my novella, Children, their voices are the songs God has written.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Stories
I meet them, lovely people with stories of angels. I participated in the awesome Payson Book Festival last weekend. I displayed my six books, four in the Mystic Bay Series, my memoir and children’s book.
I love meeting people that pass by my table. I ask each and every one if they have seen an angel and most have had one experience. One woman told me she knows her angel is near but cannot visually see her. The angel, keeps watch over her and has all her life. Another man, dressed in cowboy hat and shirt, told me he knew there were angels because he was near eighty years old and still alive after a few life threatening experiences. One woman told me an unseen angel pushed her car to safety in a snow storm, the handprints of someone were left on the snowy back of the car.
The more I write angel stories, and ask people about angels, the more I believe. The novels I write set in the fictional town of Mystic Bay, are prayerfully engraved in my heart. Recounting my teaching career with special needs students in my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder, gives readers hopefully an enlightened message. These students showed me their hearts of angels, changing my world to one of purpose and inspiration. And years ago, I met a man months after losing my daughter, Kate. He comforted me with his presence. He seemed like an ordinary human but the second day I saw him, I knew he was a heavenly being miraculously sent to comfort me. He became the inspiration for my Mystic Bay Series where angels live as humans and no one knows the secret.
As I write I find a loving heart can survive loss and inspire others with stories about angels. The angel stories from friends and perfect strangers help me write. These people, some who I may never meet again, are all kind and loving souls willing to share. They are angels on earth to me.
At the end of my latest novella, Town of Angels Christmas, A Tale of Love and Animal Rescue, I’ve put an excerpt of the fifth novel in the Mystic Bay Series I’m presently writing called Twenty Moon Road The Psychic and the Angels. The first chapter is on paper yet the rest of the story swirls in my mind like white clouds flecked with silver linings in the sky. My books bring me peace, bringing readers stories of love, redemption, mystery, forgiveness and hope. The books I write hopefully bring others joy. For as you see below, the letters for joy, are forever spelled in my name.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Town of Angels Christmas A Tale of Love and Animal Rescue published!
Town of Angels Christmas is set in Mystic Bay, where angels live as humans and no one knows the secret. It’s a tale of love and animal rescue.
I dedicated this book to my late daughter, Kate. I wanted to write a story about Christmas in the town I’ve created, Mystic Bay, California. Our family loves Christmas! My grown children and my husband and I donate to children less fortunate at Christmas and throughout the year. In my 4th book in the Mystic Bay Series, I write how we all need to be the Santa’s of the world for children of every race, religion, color and creed. We also need to care for the well being of animals in this world, domestic and wild. These are my passionate hopes woven throughout my books. Living through unbearable loss taught me something about myself. Giving to others from heart and mind is healing. Every Christmas we adopt kids from Love House Kids Program in Phoenix. These children from group homes and shelters realize someone they may never meet cares about them and their future.
Readers say my books inspire them.They say they want to live in the fictious town I created, Mystic Bay. California. I say anyone can live there. Mystic Bay’s ideals and good works of love can live in all our hearts. Like Christmas, these ideals absolutely live in mine.
Tuesday With The Angels Town of Angels Christmas
I’ve always loved Christmas. It has been always an important part of my journey through grief. Love of family here on Earth or in Heaven is forever. And I can still hear my daughter, Kate’s, laughter, the very last sound I heard of her voice. And so it is an honor to write another book dedicated to her memory. Town of Angels Christmas.
It’s a tale of love and animal rescue, the fourth in the Mystic Series. For I know what matters most in our gift of life. And the answer is love. A friends mother long ago wrote me the most beautiful note. She had lost two children. Her note read, “You will always have the precious memories of your daughter. And one day, that glorious day will come when you will be reunited in Heaven. What a glorious day that will be.”
And so as Christmas is less than six months away, I celebrate the love of thoughts of Christmas with family and keeping dear Kate’s memory alive with a new novel, the 4th in my Mystic Bay Series, Town of Angels Christmas.