Tuesdays With The Angels- Angels & Love In Our Hearts

As I write about angels, knowing it is my calling, I have a real angel to thank. Once, my friend and I met a man who I know was an angel. My dear friend, Nancy, encouraged me to go on a girls trip with her to Houston  after my daughter, Kate, died tragically. All hope was gone for a happy life without her, I feared. But we met an elderly gentleman who appeared human standing in the mens department of a Houston upscale store. We all said hello. We exchanged pleasantries and then went on our way.

The next day Nancy wanted to shop an hour away in a little town neither of us had ever been to.  We had just entered the store but suddenly the same man came up to us. We were surprised to see him. Was it a coincidence? We talked a moment and then he said, “See you at the airport.” We  turned away to look at gifts both thinking how odd it was to see him again. We turned back to say goodbye again to the man yet he was gone. It’s been over twenty five years since I’ve seen him, yet I can still see his kind face clearly in my mind. My fear of flying had escalated after my daughter passed away. We  went outside and looked up and down the street but  he was nowhere. We sat down at a little table outside. We both wondered if  he was an angel sent to comfort me.  It was then my fear started to leave and the beginnings of hope returned. 

I believe angels come when we need them the most. They come to us with a spoken word or a smile. Some angels appear human and some have actually appeared with wings to many of us. I know in my heart that the love light the angels bring us is real. It’s from a higher power, which is God to me.

In these times of trouble in the world, when hate and bullying try to dominate everyone’s thinking, I believe in my heart that thinking about angels and asking for their help truly can change a moment. I pray the angels will help all the children across the world. I pray for their  chance to be free, for their peace, for their laughter and song to lift up to heaven. I pray that if we all visualize the world at peace, it will help all of  our days and nights. I pray for a world where our grandchildren will be safe, where hate is replaced by love and  the bullies of the world will finally see the light of angels and learn what I know to be true. Love is all we ever need. I’m sure I met a real angel that day and  I’m also sure all angels whisper to us, “Love is the only way to find a place to call home.”


Tuesdays With The Angels-Protecting Our Children With Prayers of Angel Light

As the world still reels from hateful words and war, I write about angels. When I can’t sleep I don’t worry that I won’t get enough rest, I usually think about the stories I’m writing. But of late my late night thoughts turn to prayer for the children of the world who are in trying situations. “Give them hope,” I pray. “Dear angels and God above, give them shelter and those to take care and protect them.”

I believe in my heart that hope is prayer, dreaming of better times for our children and all of us is ahead. There is power in praying to a Higher Power, to me that is God and His angels. Prayer is asking for peace, visualizing our children protected. I believe dreams and prayers can come true. As always the bully and evil will never win because love always finds the way. May the angel light of protection be our prayer today. .

Tuesdays With The Angels- For The Children Love Is The Way

In this time of war raging in parts of the world, it’s hard for me to write about angels but I know I must. I must because man’s inhumanity to man is affecting our treasures, our children. I pray that God and the angels help our earth’s population to eliminate the hate and find peace.

In my own little corner of the world all I can do is write, pray, hope and yearn for peace.  Our earth’s children need us to stop and think about them, if only for them and not the prejudice and  hate that is trying to ruin our precious blue planet.

Don’t people see what it is doing to the children? The PTSD, the fear, the beginnings of hate are evident everywhere. We see it in other parts of the world but at home in our politics, in our school yards and streets. Love always wins and it’s the only way to win. Forgiveness, working together to create a better world is totally possible. All goodness is possible I know this in my heart. We must never let the bully and hate win.

 Whoever reads this, please pass it on, I’m just one writer, a retired teacher, a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a friend but I know in all my years what is right and good and millions of others believe what I believe. Please pray for peace and love. It’s the only way now. As Madam Norma, my character in all my books said in my novel, 20 Moon Rd. An Angel’s Tale, “Kindness is the first ingredient of love.” Please pray for our children that they may know peace someday, that they will see that love is the only way to peace.

Peace and Love, Jody Sharpe

Tuesday With The Angel’s-Angel’s Prayer For Bullying’s End 2023

If I could hear all the angel’s prayers, they would pray for our children to never suffer from the effects of bullying again. If I could hear the angel’s prayers, their hopes would be to inspire us in 2023, to  teach all our children to stand tall, building strength and show kindness to others.

As I write my Mystic Bay Series about angels, I know for sure that angel’s prayers flow through my mind. In my novels, the bully never wins and love prevails. How you ask, do I know this? Well, once upon a time, long ago, when I was in tremendous sorrow, an angel appeared in human form and my life was never the same.  Angel’s prayers fill my heart with dreams and writings of love.