Tuesdays With The Angels-Protecting Our Children With Prayers of Angel Light

As the world still reels from hateful words and war, I write about angels. When I can’t sleep I don’t worry that I won’t get enough rest, I usually think about the stories I’m writing. But of late my late night thoughts turn to prayer for the children of the world who are in trying situations. “Give them hope,” I pray. “Dear angels and God above, give them shelter and those to take care and protect them.”

I believe in my heart that hope is prayer, dreaming of better times for our children and all of us is ahead. There is power in praying to a Higher Power, to me that is God and His angels. Prayer is asking for peace, visualizing our children protected. I believe dreams and prayers can come true. As always the bully and evil will never win because love always finds the way. May the angel light of protection be our prayer today. .