Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Inspirations Manifesting Little Changes

As I was writing my tenth book in the Mystic Bay Series, I found myself stuck. The turmoil of our country and in our world is sad, disheartening and stressful at best. But then the other day there was an inspirational  thought that crossed my mind when I asked myself what can I do. The words–  little changes.  This was just what I needed, a thought from above I’m sure.

I believe we can manifest what we want and I want my children and grandchildren living in  a world that’s  striving for  peace and harmony. We Are the World was the great song of the 80’s. That powerful song put forth the truth. Helping each other and working together is primary for peace. Taking the utmost care of our children and teaching this principle could solve so much.

 My novels, hopefully uplifting stories, contain love, redemption, forgiveness and hope. That’s the kind of world I want for all children. The children around the world are watching and learning from us. We are the role models.

 Making little changes in our lives can manifest big changes. My little change is to keep on turning stress into writing a storyline that is full of hope and good outcomes.  Our voices need to be heard in what ever way possible.  Writing is part of my soul’s journey. Stay tuned, I’m manifesting a story filled with kindness, gratitude and hope for a better world.

Love and Peace!

Tuesdays With The Angels- The Heart Knows Right From Wrong

February is Valentine’s month where loved ones share cards and gifts. Cupid arrows are in the air and many hearts are filled with love. The angels send me words and thoughts to share.

Like our hearts are filled with other things like the sense of right and wrong. Today I would imagine that all of us adults know right from wrong. We may not express it but intrinsictly we know even as we are saying or doing things we shouldn’t. We know cruelty is wrong and harsh words and bullying and name calling are wrong. Today in the news of politics we are seeing adults engage in these petty, cruel schoolyard acts. Perhaps We all should consider Love in words and deeds for kindness is the first ingredient of love. Teach children Love.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Replacing Fear with Gratitude Will Find Joy

A new year comes and unfortunately our world still reels from a tumultuous 2024. There is a thought by many though that the world will improve, that hate can dissipate, that love can  find a way to unite us here on our beautiful earth. It’s just a speck in the vast universe and yet we are made from all the components, the fabric of life but still so many are blind to that thought. Hate is powerful but Love is the most powerful force of all.

When I ask for inspirations from the angels they  come in words and phrases. Lately. the phrase has been, let  gratefulness replace fearfulness. Would it really be that strange to think that attitude and hope could be the catalyst for ending wars and hate?

I’ve written many times that after my daughter passed away I  met a man who I’m sure was an angel.  I feared my life had no meaning and gratefulness and joy were seemingly gone. Hope was a thing of the past. Yet meeting the angel with his comforting presence started to change my way of thinking. I could be happy again, I could find courage to go on and love those left to care for including my fellow man. Bitterness, I vowed,  would never show its face, I had work to do as a teacher, a parent, a wife and a friend.

Now and forever, I look for hope  for our world  as I ask for inspiration from the angels. Compelled to write books with angels themes I go on. I want my children and grandchildren to know that many of us look up at night in wonder at the planets and stars so far away to comprehend. We  wonder what we are here for? Is the answer always  to love each other? It is for me. For we are here to love and help each other with grateful hearts.  Look up tonight and see what I see. I see endless possibilities the vast universe has waiting for us if we choose to find them. Joy is not an impossible dream.My life changed in an instant and yet years later I found surely love never dies and joy is possible when gratefulness replaces fearfulness and love is always  triumphant.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Clarence, the Angel & It’s a Wonderful Life

I don’t remember the first time I saw the iconic 1946 film, It’s A Wonderful Life  but the film has been one of the inspirations for my writing the Mystic Bay Series. 

Many remember theChristmas story where George Bailey is contemplating suicide by jumping off the town bridge into the river. His family business has been ruined, he thinks, by the antagonist, the wealthy and ruthless Mr. Potter. But all is about to change when George is about to jump into the water and unbeknownst to him, Clarence, his guardian angel is sent from heaven to help. Clarence  jumps in first crying for George to save him. George jumps in and saves Clarence.  Clarence tells George he is his angel and shows him what life would have been like had George never been born. All the goodness George showed his family and neighbors would never have happened and Mr. Potter would run the town into the ground.

This classic in humanity helped inspire me to write my nine books. I believe in angels and I believe they are here for us all, sometimes seen and most times unseen. In this time of war in parts of the world and sorrow plaguing so many, I continue writing about love, forgiveness, redemption with angels at the helm. I’ve been through sorrow but somehow I’ve always known there’s a Clarence in all our lives. Think about angels. I do all day long.I honor the film It’s A wonderful Life in all my books because good always wins and the bully never does. Goodness and kindness are actions of love.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Inspirations Children & Animals

In 1995, this very day, I lost my daughter, Kate. At nineteen she was beautiful, bright, in love with her boyfriend, and glowing going to college. She loved her family, her dogs and cat and her friends. Her promise of a bright future was there for the making but her future was to be with God.

I have learned so many things these years gone by. So many lessons learned that I can’t put them all down on paper.  I do know for sure that love is the answer to everything. My twins, Mike and Elizabeth, who are adults now, have shown me with grace and fortitude their ongoing love for life and others. As teens when Kate died, they had a wisdom way mature for their age. They are kind human beings, my daughter, an incredible  mother and my son a loving uncle.They help others in need and of course love animals as our whole family does.

Years ago my journey through grief was helped by my children’s love. My dear friend Nancy,  took me on a girl’s trip years ago to help my sorrow. There we met a man I’m sure was an angel.  One day he was  at a store in Houston politely talking to us and the next day there he was again in a town we had never been to an hour away in another store. His presence astounded us and he told us he would see us at the airport. Then we turned away for a moment and when we looked back he was gone from the store. We went outside but he was nowhere. I know he was an angel there to comfort, letting me know Kate was safe in God’s hands.

Because of him, and in memory of my Kate, I have written ten books. There is only love in the books I write, all with angel themes.  My novella’s, my memoir about teaching children with special needs, and my children’s book, all were inspired by the angel and my love for Kate, my family and my own gift of life. 

My angel inspirations today, this day of remembrance and love, is to keep on loving, forgiving, hoping, praying for all to find places in their hearts for others, to know their blessings,  to help those who need us the most, the children and animals, the innocent ones of our world. Is there another book about angels in my ever-growing imagination? Always. Here is my latest.


Tuesdays With The Angels-Animal Rescuing, Teaching Kindness To All

One of my life’s greatest blessings has been my steadfast love for animals.  As a mother, grandmother, and retired teacher of children with special needs, I have  found joy in loving my children, grandchildren, my students and  all the animals I’ve rescued over the years. Showing our children and grandchildren how to treat animals should be primary by example always. My soon to be published novella, The Dog Who Came For Christmas An Angel’s Tale is just that, a love letter to all the animals my husband, Dave and I have rescued over many years and the animals our own children and friends have rescued.

Those who treat our children poorly are clearly those who could also be animal abusers. The bully never wins in all my fantasy Mystic Bay Series and how I wish it could be true in our own towns across the world. Love and Kindness Wins!

Bullying is at the helm of hurting our children, our animals and ourselves. It must stop and it can if every adult could find it in his or her heart to gather their families together and discuss  earth’s most precious, the children and animals of the world. My new book will be out soon and I pray it touches someone’s heart, touching as many more as possible.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Inspirations-Animal Rescue

Bless The Beasts and the Children, one of my favorite songs from the seventies, has a wonderful lyric. “Keep them safe, keep them warm.” I’ve written many times about protecting our children from man’s inhumanity to man. As of  now bullying  is considered almost the norm in politics, dividing people. However,  I also feel strongly about the well being of  our animal friends. Protecting them from animal abuse has recently driven me to write it as a main theme in my new novel coming soon.

My husband and I  have rescued many animals and continue to advocate for them around the world, whether companions to people or in the wild. They are innocent and vulnerable and the poor way some individuals regard them shows all of us what these people are made of.  Animals can’t speak for themselves. Just like we all should share in protecting the children of the world, we are also the animals’ voices of hope. I believe in hope, love and helping those who need our strength and our kindness. 

Angels inspire me. Why? Because I surely met an angel in human form once when the loss of my daughter turned the light out in my being for a time. And all these years later as the light turned on knowing angels were really near,  I became a writer, writing about angels with novels storied with goodness, kindness and redemption.

Taking care of those who have no voice is my fervid hope. Children and the animals of the world need to thrive. Bless the Beasts and the Children. Everyday I  ask the angels for help with problems, as I navigate this precious life I’m given.  I am always sure they are telling me to follow my heart. I know for sure they are listening.


Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Inspirations

Angels have surely been with me all my life. As a child I had shelter, comfort but parents who I couldn’t totally rely on. Yet, I made it through decades of living making good choices along the way. Where did the resilience come from? It was faith, faith in the knowledge of a higher power that I call God. Sometimes contemplating this gift of life is overwhelming. The knowledge that billions of people have lived before me and during my life time is indeed humbling. But I have been given the ability to write positive stories about angels. How?

After my daughter, Kate, passed away years ago, I met a man I know was an angel. He comforted me with his presence one day at a chance meeting in a store and then the next day of my vacation, there he was again unexpectedly walking up to me and my friend  when we were an hour away in a different town and store. His presence and meeting helped me through the grief that encompassed my whole being. He inspired me to write novels about angels who appear as humans in a town where no one knows the secret. My fictional town of Mystic Bay that I write about have angels watching and guiding people in town just like I’m sure they do in our lives. I believe they encourage us through unseen and sometimes seen messages. Knowing angels are near inspires me to be as kind as I can be in all life’s circumstances. To be resilient and have enthusiasm for life with no resentment toward others has changed my life.

As I write my books I hope to inspire  just one person to keep fire and gratefulness  in their heart for the goodness in life.

I’m just a speck on our planet that is just a speck in the universe. However,  in  the never ending vastness of the universe, I know there is a higher power. I know the loved ones who have gone on before me, like my daughter, Kate,  will be waiting somewhere when my life here on earth is done. I know how fortunate I was to meet the angel years ago. His memory keeps me grounded, creating and loving life. With gratitude, I humbly walk with inspiration from the angels.   More angel inspirations stories to come…   

                                                                    In memory of Kate

                                                             Our Gift From God, Our Joy  

Angel Story From Debra Larson

A couple of months ago my sister-in-law passed away after a short illness, leaving behind her loving son – my nephew, Sean. She was only 55 and my nephew, 21. Sean was very close to his mother, making it all that much harder to lose her so quickly and at such a young age.

My sister-in-law was cremated and her remains were buried next to her father in Greenwood cemetery. My brother, my nephew and I drove to the cemetery where we met other members of the family for the burial. The ceremony at the gravesite was very touching. When the minister finished with prayers and kind words, Sean placed his mother’s urn into the grave.

After the service, the three of us decided to have breakfast before driving home. Five minutes away was a place called Greenwoods Café. Ironically, it had the same name as the cemetery. It was Veteran’s Day and there was a sign on the door that Veterans eat free. I don’t know if that was the reason it was so crowded or if that was the typical Saturday morning crowd. When we walked in, there were no seats available. I wasn’t sure if we wanted to wait or leave and find another place to eat.

A woman was sitting by herself at a table (right next to us) and asked us if we wanted to join her. It took us a minute to understand exactly what she was asking/offering because it’s not every day a stranger asks if you want to sit at their table and eat with them. We took her up on her offer and sat down with her. About five minutes later a booth opened up and the waitress asked us if we wanted to move to the booth and we said no, we were good where we were. I’m so happy we stayed put.

This lady was so nice and hilarious too. We learned that she’s 74. She joked about how she was in the CIA and insisted my brother was too. She kept telling my brother that she knew him from somewhere and what a good father he is. She thought it was so cool that Sean was studying Cybersecurity. She really took a liking to Sean, telling him how she could tell what a good kid he is. At one point my brother and I started talking about something else and she started talking to Sean like they’ve known each other for years.

So, we ate, talked and laughed for about an hour or so. It wasn’t until we were ready to leave that we introduced ourselves. She said her name is Sister Mary. I couldn’t believe this funny woman who jokingly cursed a couple of times, talked about the Spotted Cow beer she had at the bar last night was a “Sister”. Then she shook my brother’s hand, my hand and gave Sean the biggest, tightest hug I’ve ever seen a stranger give anyone.

We walked out of the restaurant, and I said “Sean, we just had breakfast with your Mom”. I said, it may sound crazy but I believe it. My brother and Sean believe it too.

I couldn’t stop thinking about this encounter the whole drive home. She told my brother what a good Father he is to Sean. She told Sean how proud she is of him and what a good kid he is. And for me, prior to her death, my sister-in-law and I had been talking about going out to breakfast for months. For one reason or another, we didn’t get around to it but she always promised we would. That was the breakfast she promised me! All three of us felt such peace after our angel encounter with Sister Mary.

Tuesday With The Angels- Hallmark Helps The Kindness Of Life

Writing about angels became healing after I lost my daughter, Kate. I realize now I always wanted a Hallmark- kind- of- life as a child growing up and strived for that in adulthood with my beautiful family. Then when tragedy came and I lost my daughter, I thought life for me was over. But it wasn’t.

Just like themes in Hallmark cards and the Hallmark Channel we have now, wonderful life possibilities are achievable. I believe there is innate goodness in most people.  The themes on the cards and in the films give us the spirit of goodness always winning and the possibility that love can come along whether it be romantic love, friendship or in family togetherness.

Even in the themes that provide comfort,  there is always a positive spin on life and love for the future. Memories of loved ones who have passed on to the great beyond are never gone the cards and films tell us. The memories are always in our hearts.

Oh how I wish everyone could have a life where we all acknowledge somehow somewhere there can be  beauty before us for a future even through loss like I lost Kate. There are always people who need our kindness.My family certainly proved to need me. When I write my books about angels, I use the themes of hope, dreams, redemption and forgiveness. Because to me, love always does win. And as always the possibilities of good always winning is there for the taking.  The cards and films of  Hallmark I’m sure are written with a little help from above.