Tuesdays With The Angels-Take Heart

Today I reflected on my writing and how fortunate I’ve been to write eight books. 20 Moon Rd. An Angel’s Tale just won first place in the communication contest from the National Federation of Press Women. Writing has been a second career but more importantly an avenue to get my whole being into writing about angels, love, forgiveness and triumph over sorrow.

I reflected today on the state of the world where war destroys countries and anger dominates so many lives on our beautiful blue planet. At night when I can’t sleep I write my books in my mind. I think of the characters, plots and scenarios for my readers to ponder. Of course, good always wins in all my stories. I believe good always wins in the end.

I could have easily become a bitter old woman losing my precious daughter so many years ago but instead I  moved forward. I had to go on in a positive way for my living children, my family, my friends and also for myself. I was given a gift to live here on planet earth as just me. 

I have had so many beautiful experiences, met so many unbelievably kind and wonderful people. I am blessed to have the appreciation for our earth and her creatures.

The words ‘take heart’ came at night from the angels, I’m sure. Writing at night also changed the way I pray. Yes, I pray for my family, and for the answers to problems but mostly now I pray for those less fortunate. I pray for the war torn lands and people, for the suffering of others and for a change in the wrong doings of others. I pray these people see the light. The light to me is God and His angels. Trying to  evolve at any age, is another gift I’ve been given. I’ll keep praying, writing and loving  because I know living is learning. Learning to love others and to pray for others is the greatest gift of all.

Take Heart.

Tuesday With The Angel’s-Angel’s Prayer For Bullying’s End 2023

If I could hear all the angel’s prayers, they would pray for our children to never suffer from the effects of bullying again. If I could hear the angel’s prayers, their hopes would be to inspire us in 2023, to  teach all our children to stand tall, building strength and show kindness to others.

As I write my Mystic Bay Series about angels, I know for sure that angel’s prayers flow through my mind. In my novels, the bully never wins and love prevails. How you ask, do I know this? Well, once upon a time, long ago, when I was in tremendous sorrow, an angel appeared in human form and my life was never the same.  Angel’s prayers fill my heart with dreams and writings of love.