Tuesdays With The Angels-The Bully Never Wins

Bullying is a theme in all my novels. In Town of Angel Christmas, the bully tries to prevent the sale of land proposed for housing future rescued wild horses. In the story, Angel Ken, who is secretly living a human existence, helps solve the issue by weaving his courage, wit and kindness, ultimately thwarting the bully’s efforts.  In all my novels, the bully is taught a lesson in human kindness.

It’s the same in our lives today. Whether, the bully ever learns his or her way to kindness depends on their own willingness to let goodness in. They can be influenced by the way other’s react to them.

If we stand firm with kindness in our hearts, we will have the strongest shield of all. It’s a shield built of love, and angel lessons. Love is indeed a strength to be reckoned with. When I write, love and angels always win.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Bullying Hurts Children and They Are Listening

Bullying is hurting our children and we can all do something about it. We realize our children are watching and listening to bullies on TV, in schools and neighborhoods. Recently, I spoke at Desert Foothills Library in Arizona about my writing the Mystic Bay Series and my memoir Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder. All my books include thwarting bullying as a theme.

A wonderful family came late to hear my talk. As I sat with them after the others had left telling them about the books, the mother stated, “The Archangel Michael sent our family to hear you speak about angels.” She told me she wants to write about angels and I encouraged her to keep her dream of writing alive. Then my daughter called. Our grandson is learning a most valuable lesson in his kindergarten. The teacher’s lesson is Fill your bucket with kindness? Isn’t that a wonderful message for young ones to learn? Kindness is healing. We can reach our children by being true examples of kindness ourselves. Bullying never wins. Let’s ask the angels to help us. I’m sure they’ll listen.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Summer of Angels

November 1st from 4 to 5 pm  I will be speaking at Desert Foothills Library in Cave Creek, Arizona. My topic will be my writing journey I call, The Angels on the Writer’s Shoulder. I will emphasize the journey of synchronicity I’ve been on since my late daughter passed away twenty seven years ago. My talk will include how it all transpired and I’ll read a few paragraphs from my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder. It’s a passage about Ned, of one of my students, and his interchange with me that changed my life for the better. All my students transformed my life on this incredible journey of mine. Five books in the Mystic Bay Series tell the secret story of  angels living as humans where no one knows the secret. Besides my memoir and Mystic Bay Series, I will speak briefly about my children’s book, When The Angels Sent Butterflies. I just completed my sixth in the Mystic Bay Series, Summer of Angels which will be published early 2023.

I’d love for my books to reach more readers because the thought of angels and writing about them inspires me each day to keep on the path of positivity and love. I walk the path with the angels, it’s my calling. 

Tuesdays With The Angels-Children and Bullying

I posted my latest YouTube titled, Bullying Hurts Children. A song from a musical always enters my mind when I think of the hurt bullying causes children. ‘Careful what you say, children will listen. Careful what you say, children will see.’ Our children are our precious ones, we are their voices. We need to protect children by being role models. My late daughter, Kate, was bullied by a girl in our neighborhood years ago. I immediately called the little girl’s mother. I’m sure I was unpopular with the mother from then on but my goal was to protect my child. Children need our examples of kindness and empathy not the bullying we see on social media, TV and in schools and our neighborhoods. Of course, the bully never wins because they themselves are hurt too.

In my third in the Mystic Bay Series called, Town of Angels, Klaus Waxman, a bully, comes to town to reap havoc and mock the angels sightings in town. Children with special needs have seen angels and the whole town is jubilant and hopeful that angels are near. But bully, Klaus, is taught lessons in humanity by the indomitable Madam Norma, the oldest and wisest psychic in town. Klaus changes for the better with kind words and counseling. All bullies could change if helped like this along the way.

This is my prayer for the children of the world, that we, the grown-ups of the world, would see our way to help stop abusive bullying. Prayers are hopes and dreams, and if we all work together, what a wonderful world it would be for our children.

Tuesdays With The Angels-All Dogs Go To Heaven

Will Rogers stated long ago, “If There Are No Dogs In Heaven. Then When I Die, I Want To Go Where They Went.

Many people who have had near death experiences, have written they have seen dogs and cats as they go through the tunnel toward the light. Recently, a friend of ours was on his death bed. His wife told me before he died, he saw his old friends and his mother who had passed away standing in the room. His beloved late dog was there too and ran to him. These stories of people seeing their loved ones convinced me. All our beloved pets go to heaven.

Dogs have special roles in all of my books. I have given some of them the names of my late dogs  and the dog and cat characters are woven into the storylines.

We put our precious rescue dog, Tuffy, to sleep because she was so ill at seventeen. The next day as we got into our car with our other three dogs, I sincerely felt her presence along with our two other late dogs. It was just a moment, but so clear to me that Tuffy’s spirit was near.

Our vet told me dogs don’t fear death. They don’t wonder if Mom is going to take them to the park tomorrow. All they think of is now. I’ve had many dogs over the years and every one of them is special. Tuffy was a wonderful dog and I will miss her greatly. Yet I know in my heart she’ll be waiting with our other late dogs at the end of the rainbow bridge.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Messages

Hope some say is a word that doesn’t mean very much. For months now I have messages of inspirational thoughts that come through my mind. These angel messages are so clear. Hope is a prayer. This is a message I received recently. To me hope is a never ending prayer. Like wishing on a star or dreaming for your own life or those you love, prayers come in the form of hoping and wishing and dreaming. I hope for my family all good things with love and kindness. I hope for the best for friends and for those I don’t know in our fragile, beautiful world.

I hadn’t thought about the word Hope until it was said not to mean much on a TV series. To me, irrefutably, hope is one of the most beautiful words in our language. It is an intragal part of the loveliest of words, Prayer. I thank God and the angels for all the books I write about angels, from my memoir, my children’s book and the five in the Mystic Bay Series. In the fictional town Mystic Bay that I’ve created, angels live as humans. This is where art has imitated life, for as sure as I am that there is a heaven above, I know I met an angel once over twenty years ago after my daughter, Kate, passed away. He changed my life for good and I am forever grateful.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Messages

A message from the angels ran through my thoughts the other day. I wasn’t thinking about angels at the time.

Love Is Tangible was the message. And as I thought about it during the day, it made such sense. Yes, you can see love in another’s eyes, in the devotion you feel for your loved ones on earth and loved ones gone on to heaven.  You can almost touch that love when you touch your heart.

My late daughter Kate, was afraid of bees when she was four. Years later after she passed away, I met a man who I am sure now was an angel. His presence and words comforted me. A few years later, I began writing novels about angels who come to earth in human form to help.

In ‘Town of Angels,’ the third novel in the Mystic Bay Series, Angel Ken sends butterflies to people in the town to calm their fears.  I was encouraged to  write a children’s book about the angel sending butterflies. Thankful for the wonderful illustrations by my friend, Susan Claire Anderson, I wrote ‘When The Angel Sent Butterflies’. In the story, Angel Ken sends butterflies to calm little Kate’s fear of bees. On the back cover I wrote, “Children need to know love from their parents and others surrounds them. Love conquers fear and beieving that angels are near can help sweep any childhood fear away.”   My love for my daughter, Kate, grows on as the years do now. Love never dies and as the angels’ message relayed to me, Love Is Tangible.

Tuesdays With The Angel- Messages From The Angels

The other day as I planned my day, doing the dishes, looking out the kitchen window, a thought came to me. I wasn’t thinking about heaven, angels or God at that moment but the words came through my mind. Walk with me. I realized it was a message from heaven.

Later in the day, I was contemplating whether to text a loved one who was having a disheartening day. Unexpectedly, the birthday card from that same person with a butterfly on it fell down on my desk. It had been leaning on the wall. There was nothing to have prompted the card moving. I knew it was a sign from above to text the loved one and I did. I knew the words that ran through my mind at that moment were part of my morning message.

“When one door closes, another one opens. Angels are near,” I wrote in the text. My message from the morning was clear. I was walking with the angels that day.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Are Angels Perfect?

People ask if angels are perfect. Yes, they are as perfect as God created them to help us.To me angels are God’s messengers, helping us through our days. Through joys and sorrows, angels are near. I know in my own life, I find this to be true.

I know friends and many others who come to my book signings  who have had experiences with angels. Some have seen them, seeing wings and beautiful glowing beings of all shapes, sizes, genders and ages. Some people say they have been saved from accidents, or have heard angel’s messages, finding objects, or seeing miracles happen in all kinds of scenarios.

 My own experiences with angels on earth include meeting an angel appearing as a human once years ago.  My encounter with the man I call, Angel, changed my life from sorrow to moving forward after the  loss of  my daughter.  I am writing a book about meeting him and those I’ve encountered who also may have been angels on earth. To me angels are as perfect as they can be. They are celestial beings, full of love, sent by God. I found great comfort knowing angels are near.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Messages From The Angels

People are wondering if angels are humans? Are angels female and male? I’ve spoken to so many people who have had angel experiences and read so many stories and of course I have had experiences of my own.

Angels can be male, female, old and young according to those I have spoken to and stories I’ve read. They are not human but celestial beings in my belief. Although angels do appear in human form to help and guide. I know this to be true because I had my own angel-human encounter years ago. The encounter changed my life. The encounter meeting the man I call angel, inspired me to create a fictitious series of books about angels living as humans in Mystic Bay, a town I created.

The angel I encountered inspired me to write my  memoir about the children wtih special needs I taught and how they changed my life and way of thinking after my daughter passed away.

There are so many stories about angel encounters from others I’ve known  that I am writing a new book about it. You see, I  discuss this  all on my Jody Sharpe YouTube channel because in our world today, we need more stories of angels, of kindness and of spiritual awakening. These stories in my mind and stories that I’ve read and have been told to me, fill my soul with hope and gladness. Love is real and angels are real. My message from the angels today is Follow your Heart. Your heart knows the answers!