Tuesdays With The Angels-Animal Rescuing, Teaching Kindness To All

One of my life’s greatest blessings has been my steadfast love for animals.  As a mother, grandmother, and retired teacher of children with special needs, I have  found joy in loving my children, grandchildren, my students and  all the animals I’ve rescued over the years. Showing our children and grandchildren how to treat animals should be primary by example always. My soon to be published novella, The Dog Who Came For Christmas An Angel’s Tale is just that, a love letter to all the animals my husband, Dave and I have rescued over many years and the animals our own children and friends have rescued.

Those who treat our children poorly are clearly those who could also be animal abusers. The bully never wins in all my fantasy Mystic Bay Series and how I wish it could be true in our own towns across the world. Love and Kindness Wins!

Bullying is at the helm of hurting our children, our animals and ourselves. It must stop and it can if every adult could find it in his or her heart to gather their families together and discuss  earth’s most precious, the children and animals of the world. My new book will be out soon and I pray it touches someone’s heart, touching as many more as possible.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Inspirations-Animal Rescue

Bless The Beasts and the Children, one of my favorite songs from the seventies, has a wonderful lyric. “Keep them safe, keep them warm.” I’ve written many times about protecting our children from man’s inhumanity to man. As of  now bullying  is considered almost the norm in politics, dividing people. However,  I also feel strongly about the well being of  our animal friends. Protecting them from animal abuse has recently driven me to write it as a main theme in my new novel coming soon.

My husband and I  have rescued many animals and continue to advocate for them around the world, whether companions to people or in the wild. They are innocent and vulnerable and the poor way some individuals regard them shows all of us what these people are made of.  Animals can’t speak for themselves. Just like we all should share in protecting the children of the world, we are also the animals’ voices of hope. I believe in hope, love and helping those who need our strength and our kindness. 

Angels inspire me. Why? Because I surely met an angel in human form once when the loss of my daughter turned the light out in my being for a time. And all these years later as the light turned on knowing angels were really near,  I became a writer, writing about angels with novels storied with goodness, kindness and redemption.

Taking care of those who have no voice is my fervid hope. Children and the animals of the world need to thrive. Bless the Beasts and the Children. Everyday I  ask the angels for help with problems, as I navigate this precious life I’m given.  I am always sure they are telling me to follow my heart. I know for sure they are listening.