Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Inspirations Manifesting Little Changes

As I was writing my tenth book in the Mystic Bay Series, I found myself stuck. The turmoil of our country and in our world is sad, disheartening and stressful at best. But then the other day there was an inspirational  thought that crossed my mind when I asked myself what can I do. The words–  little changes.  This was just what I needed, a thought from above I’m sure.

I believe we can manifest what we want and I want my children and grandchildren living in  a world that’s  striving for  peace and harmony. We Are the World was the great song of the 80’s. That powerful song put forth the truth. Helping each other and working together is primary for peace. Taking the utmost care of our children and teaching this principle could solve so much.

 My novels, hopefully uplifting stories, contain love, redemption, forgiveness and hope. That’s the kind of world I want for all children. The children around the world are watching and learning from us. We are the role models.

 Making little changes in our lives can manifest big changes. My little change is to keep on turning stress into writing a storyline that is full of hope and good outcomes.  Our voices need to be heard in what ever way possible.  Writing is part of my soul’s journey. Stay tuned, I’m manifesting a story filled with kindness, gratitude and hope for a better world.

Love and Peace!

Tuesday With The Angels-Angel Inspiration Ribbons of Kindness

I believe angels send me messages when I’m trying to go to sleep each night or when I wake up in the middle of the night. As I write my newest Mystic Bay Series novel about angels living as humans in the fantasy town I created, a recent  message  came in the night. Ribbons of Kindness.

I interpret this to mean that in this tumultuous time in our world when millions are scared of the uncertainty of peace, harmony and livlihood, there are ribbons of kindness flowing from many to help us all. It may be a stranger who smiles at us, a courteous driver who let’s us in a lane, a friendly word from an acquaintance or a loving hug and word from a loved one.

It may be the helping hands of ours or others who reach out to the less fortunate. As we trek through this time remember that love always wins, the bully always loses and kindness is there as a ribbon in your days. Being kind to others is a heroic part of love. In essensce kindness is the essential part of love. The angels know this to be true for sure. Whatever we do today and tomorrow please be part of the ribbon of kindness.

Tuesdays With The Angels- The Heart Knows Right From Wrong

February is Valentine’s month where loved ones share cards and gifts. Cupid arrows are in the air and many hearts are filled with love. The angels send me words and thoughts to share.

Like our hearts are filled with other things like the sense of right and wrong. Today I would imagine that all of us adults know right from wrong. We may not express it but intrinsictly we know even as we are saying or doing things we shouldn’t. We know cruelty is wrong and harsh words and bullying and name calling are wrong. Today in the news of politics we are seeing adults engage in these petty, cruel schoolyard acts. Perhaps We all should consider Love in words and deeds for kindness is the first ingredient of love. Teach children Love.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Our Children Should Be Our #1 Priority To End Bullying

Hello all, I ask the angels throughout the day what to say in my blogs and words and sentences come to me. So the messages today are about our children and grandchildren. They deserve to learn about respect and kindness. Many children have been the victims of bullying whether they’ve been picked on for their special needs, or differences in race, color or shy and vulnerable ways. In any situation bullying is destructive to their well being.

Here we are witnessing leaders of our country bullying folks in the news while defending their actions. How sad it is. Don’t they know their children and other people’s children are watching, listening and learning its the norm to bully?

When I was young, there was civility mostly in our society. I pray to bring us back to a more respectful world for the sake of our children, grandchildren and all around the world.

Compassion is as much a part of love as kindness is. We need to teach our children to be kind, respectful of others and kind and respectful to themselves. Teaching them every life is precious is primary for them to grow up to be productive, caring adults.

The angels messages give me hope. Angels are near us I’m sure of it. I met one once in human form. He changed my life for the better with kind and hopeful words. In all my novels, childrens book and my memoir, the themes are there for all my readers to see. The messages are from the angels I believe. The angel’s  words come to me to believe in hope for our children.  Hope is a prayer away. 


Tuesdays With The Angels-Bullying Legal Immigrants is the Opposite of Kindness

In the news, the political bullies are spreading falsehoods about legal immigrants. All of us unless we are of Native American descent come from people who made many sacrifices to get to our democracy in the United States of America.

Bullying everywhere across the world should stop. I remember when my late daughter, Kate, as a six- year- old brought home a friend from school. I spoke to the mother on the phone and Kate never mentioned the girl had a different skin color  or was from a different country. Children are born with  goodness in their hearts. However, many adults in our beautiful world are teaching bullying by their words and actions. How unfortunate to lie to our children about people from other ethnicities or countries.  Does the bully know that Bullying is synonymous with the word hatred? Three truths: Bullying with lies hurts our children’s future. Harmony, Kindness, Forgiveness bring us all a life of love. The Bully Never Wins.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Bullying and Our Children With Special Needs

Bullying is always a theme in my novels and was  part of my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder. Recently, a seventeen- year- old boy, whose father is running for our vice president, was bullied by a person in the media.  For me and many others, this cruel commentary was unacceptable in our supposedly civil society.

For twenty-five rewarding years I spent the school days with children with disabilities and special needs. Many now are considered neurodivergent. As I wrote in my memoir, my encounters with these children filled my soul. They were my own teachers giving unconditional love to all with many having no agenda except to be accepted into family and friendships.

These children and adults with special needs don’t choose their life’s path, this is their life experience and they should be respected. How do we handle such bullying in the media where some have become like the typical school yard bully? We need to  teach our children and all children self respect and respect for others while protecting and caring for them. How sad this media bully must be who didn’t apologize as of this writing.

When the loss of my daughter overshadowed my life, I remember how my classroom of children with special needs cheered me onward with warmth and gratitude. They changed my life,  they were my own teachers. They showed me respect, sympathy as caring attitudes came natural to them. The Bully Never Wins because most of us thankfully don’t have bullying inside our hearts. I pray that this bully and others  someday realize what most of us know, that truly children with special needs are our angels unaware.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Animal Rescuing, Teaching Kindness To All

One of my life’s greatest blessings has been my steadfast love for animals.  As a mother, grandmother, and retired teacher of children with special needs, I have  found joy in loving my children, grandchildren, my students and  all the animals I’ve rescued over the years. Showing our children and grandchildren how to treat animals should be primary by example always. My soon to be published novella, The Dog Who Came For Christmas An Angel’s Tale is just that, a love letter to all the animals my husband, Dave and I have rescued over many years and the animals our own children and friends have rescued.

Those who treat our children poorly are clearly those who could also be animal abusers. The bully never wins in all my fantasy Mystic Bay Series and how I wish it could be true in our own towns across the world. Love and Kindness Wins!

Bullying is at the helm of hurting our children, our animals and ourselves. It must stop and it can if every adult could find it in his or her heart to gather their families together and discuss  earth’s most precious, the children and animals of the world. My new book will be out soon and I pray it touches someone’s heart, touching as many more as possible.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Inspirations-Animal Rescue

Bless The Beasts and the Children, one of my favorite songs from the seventies, has a wonderful lyric. “Keep them safe, keep them warm.” I’ve written many times about protecting our children from man’s inhumanity to man. As of  now bullying  is considered almost the norm in politics, dividing people. However,  I also feel strongly about the well being of  our animal friends. Protecting them from animal abuse has recently driven me to write it as a main theme in my new novel coming soon.

My husband and I  have rescued many animals and continue to advocate for them around the world, whether companions to people or in the wild. They are innocent and vulnerable and the poor way some individuals regard them shows all of us what these people are made of.  Animals can’t speak for themselves. Just like we all should share in protecting the children of the world, we are also the animals’ voices of hope. I believe in hope, love and helping those who need our strength and our kindness. 

Angels inspire me. Why? Because I surely met an angel in human form once when the loss of my daughter turned the light out in my being for a time. And all these years later as the light turned on knowing angels were really near,  I became a writer, writing about angels with novels storied with goodness, kindness and redemption.

Taking care of those who have no voice is my fervid hope. Children and the animals of the world need to thrive. Bless the Beasts and the Children. Everyday I  ask the angels for help with problems, as I navigate this precious life I’m given.  I am always sure they are telling me to follow my heart. I know for sure they are listening.


Tuesdays With The Angels-Every Child In The World Deserves Kindness

When I grew up, I knew angels were near. It just was a belief I held strongly and now that I am older, I still hold fast to this belief. I pray each day that  2024 may be the time the world takes notice of the effect war, bullying and suffering has on all the world’s children.

We are supposed to be children’s role models, their safe havens, their soft place to learn and grow.In my last blog I wrote, “Every child in the world deserves a wonderful life.”  I sure wish I could shout out these words for all the world to hear. But my shouting is found in my writing only and as I write, I hope my readers make sure they teach the children in their lives kindness, nourishing them with the  emotional fulfillment and love they need to grow into loving adults.

I pray angels will be near guiding us, helping us all understand yet the angels can’t do the work for us. It’s my 2024 hope that every adult will do the best they can for the children  in their lives and ultimately the children will  learn that bullying and hate are the losers and most importantly, kindness and  love will always win again and again. 

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angels & Love In Our Hearts

As I write about angels, knowing it is my calling, I have a real angel to thank. Once, my friend and I met a man who I know was an angel. My dear friend, Nancy, encouraged me to go on a girls trip with her to Houston  after my daughter, Kate, died tragically. All hope was gone for a happy life without her, I feared. But we met an elderly gentleman who appeared human standing in the mens department of a Houston upscale store. We all said hello. We exchanged pleasantries and then went on our way.

The next day Nancy wanted to shop an hour away in a little town neither of us had ever been to.  We had just entered the store but suddenly the same man came up to us. We were surprised to see him. Was it a coincidence? We talked a moment and then he said, “See you at the airport.” We  turned away to look at gifts both thinking how odd it was to see him again. We turned back to say goodbye again to the man yet he was gone. It’s been over twenty five years since I’ve seen him, yet I can still see his kind face clearly in my mind. My fear of flying had escalated after my daughter passed away. We  went outside and looked up and down the street but  he was nowhere. We sat down at a little table outside. We both wondered if  he was an angel sent to comfort me.  It was then my fear started to leave and the beginnings of hope returned. 

I believe angels come when we need them the most. They come to us with a spoken word or a smile. Some angels appear human and some have actually appeared with wings to many of us. I know in my heart that the love light the angels bring us is real. It’s from a higher power, which is God to me.

In these times of trouble in the world, when hate and bullying try to dominate everyone’s thinking, I believe in my heart that thinking about angels and asking for their help truly can change a moment. I pray the angels will help all the children across the world. I pray for their  chance to be free, for their peace, for their laughter and song to lift up to heaven. I pray that if we all visualize the world at peace, it will help all of  our days and nights. I pray for a world where our grandchildren will be safe, where hate is replaced by love and  the bullies of the world will finally see the light of angels and learn what I know to be true. Love is all we ever need. I’m sure I met a real angel that day and  I’m also sure all angels whisper to us, “Love is the only way to find a place to call home.”