Tuesday With The Angel’s-Angel’s Prayer For Bullying’s End 2023

If I could hear all the angel’s prayers, they would pray for our children to never suffer from the effects of bullying again. If I could hear the angel’s prayers, their hopes would be to inspire us in 2023, to  teach all our children to stand tall, building strength and show kindness to others.

As I write my Mystic Bay Series about angels, I know for sure that angel’s prayers flow through my mind. In my novels, the bully never wins and love prevails. How you ask, do I know this? Well, once upon a time, long ago, when I was in tremendous sorrow, an angel appeared in human form and my life was never the same.  Angel’s prayers fill my heart with dreams and writings of love.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Bullying Hurts Children and They Are Listening

Bullying is hurting our children and we can all do something about it. We realize our children are watching and listening to bullies on TV, in schools and neighborhoods. Recently, I spoke at Desert Foothills Library in Arizona about my writing the Mystic Bay Series and my memoir Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder. All my books include thwarting bullying as a theme.

A wonderful family came late to hear my talk. As I sat with them after the others had left telling them about the books, the mother stated, “The Archangel Michael sent our family to hear you speak about angels.” She told me she wants to write about angels and I encouraged her to keep her dream of writing alive. Then my daughter called. Our grandson is learning a most valuable lesson in his kindergarten. The teacher’s lesson is Fill your bucket with kindness? Isn’t that a wonderful message for young ones to learn? Kindness is healing. We can reach our children by being true examples of kindness ourselves. Bullying never wins. Let’s ask the angels to help us. I’m sure they’ll listen.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Children and Bullying

I posted my latest YouTube titled, Bullying Hurts Children. A song from a musical always enters my mind when I think of the hurt bullying causes children. ‘Careful what you say, children will listen. Careful what you say, children will see.’ Our children are our precious ones, we are their voices. We need to protect children by being role models. My late daughter, Kate, was bullied by a girl in our neighborhood years ago. I immediately called the little girl’s mother. I’m sure I was unpopular with the mother from then on but my goal was to protect my child. Children need our examples of kindness and empathy not the bullying we see on social media, TV and in schools and our neighborhoods. Of course, the bully never wins because they themselves are hurt too.

In my third in the Mystic Bay Series called, Town of Angels, Klaus Waxman, a bully, comes to town to reap havoc and mock the angels sightings in town. Children with special needs have seen angels and the whole town is jubilant and hopeful that angels are near. But bully, Klaus, is taught lessons in humanity by the indomitable Madam Norma, the oldest and wisest psychic in town. Klaus changes for the better with kind words and counseling. All bullies could change if helped like this along the way.

This is my prayer for the children of the world, that we, the grown-ups of the world, would see our way to help stop abusive bullying. Prayers are hopes and dreams, and if we all work together, what a wonderful world it would be for our children.