As a young girl I witnessed bullying in our neighborhood. The little girl was cruel to my friend and me. My own mother didn’t seem to notice but my friend Sally’s mother did. She sat us down and talked to us about it. Her words gave me confidence. I’ll never forget her kindness. Perhaps she is the inspiration for so much of my mothering skills.
Unfortunately, in our lives today bullies come and bullies go. The bully is in the schoolyard, the neighborhood, and the politics played out like a TV show in the news headlines.
What can we do about it? Like Sally’s mother, we can gravitate to those who inspire us with their kindness and support. Besides these people with angelic qualities, I always visualize Heaven’s angels near. I think they send messages of hope, and positive thoughts and ideas.
Gratefully, I’ve met many a kind person in my life especially one I am sure was an angel sent from above to comfort me long ago.When I lost my child and sorrow took me down, a kind friend took me on a girl’s trip. There we met a man who had to be an angel. He is the inspiration for all my angel books. In my books, of course, there are kind characters, themes of hope, redemption, forgiveness and love. But also, there are oh so many angels to help make sure the bully never wins.