Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Inspirations Manifesting Little Changes

As I was writing my tenth book in the Mystic Bay Series, I found myself stuck. The turmoil of our country and in our world is sad, disheartening and stressful at best. But then the other day there was an inspirational  thought that crossed my mind when I asked myself what can I do. The words–  little changes.  This was just what I needed, a thought from above I’m sure.

I believe we can manifest what we want and I want my children and grandchildren living in  a world that’s  striving for  peace and harmony. We Are the World was the great song of the 80’s. That powerful song put forth the truth. Helping each other and working together is primary for peace. Taking the utmost care of our children and teaching this principle could solve so much.

 My novels, hopefully uplifting stories, contain love, redemption, forgiveness and hope. That’s the kind of world I want for all children. The children around the world are watching and learning from us. We are the role models.

 Making little changes in our lives can manifest big changes. My little change is to keep on turning stress into writing a storyline that is full of hope and good outcomes.  Our voices need to be heard in what ever way possible.  Writing is part of my soul’s journey. Stay tuned, I’m manifesting a story filled with kindness, gratitude and hope for a better world.

Love and Peace!

Tuesdays With The Angels-Bringing Peace To The Children of the World

Peace is possible if we think only of our children and grandchildren’s safety and happiness. The world is suffering and the most vulnerable, the children, are suffering the most aren’t they?

I believe in positive thinking and prayer as the late minister Norman Vincent Peale’s works influenced my life, helping me through the grief of losing my daughter years ago.  I believe in imagining a world where God’s grace shows us the way to peace. We must realize the precious short life we are given and how loving each other is the only way to live a peaceful life.

I met an angel long ago. He appeared human but the circumstances were extraordinary. When I lost my daughter and was in the saddest place I’d ever been, he  comforted me with his words and then he was gone in a flicker of a candle moment. Did God send him? I know He did.

As I pray for peace, I pray for all of us to see the light, the light of love. Change needs to come in our sensitivity to others pain. Human kindness is the way to the light that love shines.

Below is the cover of the first novel I wrote in the Mystic Bay Series. The book is dedicated to my dear daughter, Kate. Because I met an angel long ago, my life has been forever inspired. My life is full of prayer for my family, friends and also just as fervently for the world. 

“In the night of death, hope sees a star and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.” Robert Green Ingersoll

Tuesdays With The Angels-Take Heart

Today I reflected on my writing and how fortunate I’ve been to write eight books. 20 Moon Rd. An Angel’s Tale just won first place in the communication contest from the National Federation of Press Women. Writing has been a second career but more importantly an avenue to get my whole being into writing about angels, love, forgiveness and triumph over sorrow.

I reflected today on the state of the world where war destroys countries and anger dominates so many lives on our beautiful blue planet. At night when I can’t sleep I write my books in my mind. I think of the characters, plots and scenarios for my readers to ponder. Of course, good always wins in all my stories. I believe good always wins in the end.

I could have easily become a bitter old woman losing my precious daughter so many years ago but instead I  moved forward. I had to go on in a positive way for my living children, my family, my friends and also for myself. I was given a gift to live here on planet earth as just me. 

I have had so many beautiful experiences, met so many unbelievably kind and wonderful people. I am blessed to have the appreciation for our earth and her creatures.

The words ‘take heart’ came at night from the angels, I’m sure. Writing at night also changed the way I pray. Yes, I pray for my family, and for the answers to problems but mostly now I pray for those less fortunate. I pray for the war torn lands and people, for the suffering of others and for a change in the wrong doings of others. I pray these people see the light. The light to me is God and His angels. Trying to  evolve at any age, is another gift I’ve been given. I’ll keep praying, writing and loving  because I know living is learning. Learning to love others and to pray for others is the greatest gift of all.

Take Heart.

Tuesdays With The Angels-The Bully Never Wins

As a young girl I witnessed bullying in our neighborhood. The little girl was cruel  to my friend and me. My own mother didn’t seem to notice but my friend Sally’s mother did. She sat us down and talked to us about it. Her words gave me confidence. I’ll never forget her kindness. Perhaps she is the inspiration for so much of my mothering skills. 

Unfortunately, in our lives today bullies come and bullies go. The bully is in the schoolyard, the neighborhood, and the politics played out like a TV show in the news headlines.

What can we do about it? Like Sally’s mother, we can gravitate to those who inspire us with their kindness and support. Besides these people with angelic qualities, I always visualize Heaven’s angels near. I think they send messages of hope, and positive thoughts and ideas.

Gratefully,  I’ve met many a kind person in my life especially one I am sure was an angel sent from above to comfort me long ago.When I lost my child and sorrow took me down, a kind friend took me on a girl’s trip. There we met a man who had to be an angel. He is the inspiration for all my angel books. In my books, of course, there are kind characters, themes of hope, redemption, forgiveness and love. But also, there are oh so many angels to help make sure the bully never wins.

Tuesdays With The Angels-The Angels On The Writers Shoulder

Years ago, when I started writing my first novel, The Angel’s Daughter, I encountered many experiences that seemed to be my destiny. Since my daughter, Kate, passed away years ago, I have written seven books and I am writing the eighth. This was not happenstance, this was meant to be in the tapestry of my life. You see, writing became healing, especially about angels, because I know I encountered an angel once in human form. He comforted me at my time of loss. I will speak of this encounter and more in my talk, The Angel’s On The Writers’ Shoulder. I am excited to announce I will be at the AZ Author’s Series Desert Foothills Library in Cave Creek, Arizona, November 1, 2022 at 4 pm. Come join me as I take you on my writing journey with each spiritual discovery. More information to come. Sending this in Light and Love.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Messages From The Angels

People are wondering if angels are humans? Are angels female and male? I’ve spoken to so many people who have had angel experiences and read so many stories and of course I have had experiences of my own.

Angels can be male, female, old and young according to those I have spoken to and stories I’ve read. They are not human but celestial beings in my belief. Although angels do appear in human form to help and guide. I know this to be true because I had my own angel-human encounter years ago. The encounter changed my life. The encounter meeting the man I call angel, inspired me to create a fictitious series of books about angels living as humans in Mystic Bay, a town I created.

The angel I encountered inspired me to write my  memoir about the children wtih special needs I taught and how they changed my life and way of thinking after my daughter passed away.

There are so many stories about angel encounters from others I’ve known  that I am writing a new book about it. You see, I  discuss this  all on my Jody Sharpe YouTube channel because in our world today, we need more stories of angels, of kindness and of spiritual awakening. These stories in my mind and stories that I’ve read and have been told to me, fill my soul with hope and gladness. Love is real and angels are real. My message from the angels today is Follow your Heart. Your heart knows the answers!

Tuesdays With The Angels-20 Moon Rd. An Angel’s Tale

Long ago during childhood, my older sister, Karen, played a game at night in our bedroom with me that she created from her imagination called, “Good Fairy.” As creativity ran in all the genes of our family, my creativity was born. It would be decades later that I would write my first novel. Now I have finished the 5th in the Mystic Bay Series, 20 Moon Rd, An Angel’s Tale. I also wrote my memoir of my teaching years called, Special Needs

Children The Angels On My Shoulder. Also, I wrote a children’s

book, When The Angel Sent Butterflies.I was inspired to write angel stories after my daughter passed away years ago. It was then I know I met an angel in human form. His presence and words comforted me and so I call him The Man I Call Angel. I dedicated this book to my sister and my father, Joe, who was a funny, creative and brilliant man, who left our lives too soon. I try to promote positivity through my stories with themes of love, redemption, forgiveness, hope, self-discovery and kindness. My stories come with help from above. I’m sure of it. It has been a journey in between raindrops and sunny days. I am finding writing fills my soul with joy, wonder and love.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Forgiveness

Words came to me the other night as I lay awake in the middle of the night. I wasn’t thinking about forgiveness yet the following words came from up above I’m sure: Forgiveness is Holy

I had finished writing my 5th book in my Mystic Bay Series, 20 Moon Road An Angel’s Tale. When these words came to me, I not only knew forgiveness is an on going theme in all my books but I realized something I’d never thought of.  Heaven has sent me every one of the words I write to share with others. These stories of love, redemption, hope, forgiveness and caring for others, bring me me nearer to God and angels. Forgiveness is Holy


Tuesdays With The Angels-Heaven & Angels

I’m writing about Madam Norma my beloved character in my Mystic Bay Series. My new book 20 Moon Road An Angels Tale will be published sometime soon. I patterned many a character after my dear friends. Madam Norma was inspired by my late friend Norma. For forty years we were friends. She was like a surrogate mother, best friend and confident all in one. I was like a daughter to her she once told me. We shared our lives and she died at ninety three a few years ago. She survived losing her two sons, her dear husband of over sixty years yet she had a joy of living. She would wake up everyday and open her curtains saying, “Good morning world!”

Oh how I miss her so. I’ve recently lost two dear  friends and it’s heart breaking and yet…I remember this. A friend sent me a beautiful card years ago when I had lost my daughter, Kate. On the card three dogs were looking out the window. The card read…

Not Gone, Just Gone On Ahead

A beautiful thought for I believe it’s true. All our loved ones who have gone to heaven will be waiting for us. They would want us to live our lives to the fullest, right now, right this very minute. And so I celebrate life everyday feeling blessed. I believe our loved ones are waiting with the angels.