Tuesdays With The Angels-The Angels Inspire My Words

In our world where turmoil persists, the inspirations from the angels have led me to write the following. In one hundred years from now all that will matter to many of us human beings on earth is that we tried to pass our love to our children and grandchildren. We are all  watching how the bullies of the world try to break peace and the promise of a harmonious future.

On our fragile God’s green earth each of us can make a difference. Passing the love on will be for me a message of hope for a future for my loved ones. The greedy, the narcissists clearly don’t understand what they are missing and that as bullies they will never win.

We must pray for our world, pass the love around to our family and friends with kindness toward all others. Love is more powerful than hate. Love is the triumph for the ages. Our children are watching  these next one hundred years. Will the bully ever know that love is the only answer?

Tuesday With The Angels-Angel Inspiration Ribbons of Kindness

I believe angels send me messages when I’m trying to go to sleep each night or when I wake up in the middle of the night. As I write my newest Mystic Bay Series novel about angels living as humans in the fantasy town I created, a recent  message  came in the night. Ribbons of Kindness.

I interpret this to mean that in this tumultuous time in our world when millions are scared of the uncertainty of peace, harmony and livlihood, there are ribbons of kindness flowing from many to help us all. It may be a stranger who smiles at us, a courteous driver who let’s us in a lane, a friendly word from an acquaintance or a loving hug and word from a loved one.

It may be the helping hands of ours or others who reach out to the less fortunate. As we trek through this time remember that love always wins, the bully always loses and kindness is there as a ribbon in your days. Being kind to others is a heroic part of love. In essensce kindness is the essential part of love. The angels know this to be true for sure. Whatever we do today and tomorrow please be part of the ribbon of kindness.

Tuesdays With The Angels- The Heart Knows Right From Wrong

February is Valentine’s month where loved ones share cards and gifts. Cupid arrows are in the air and many hearts are filled with love. The angels send me words and thoughts to share.

Like our hearts are filled with other things like the sense of right and wrong. Today I would imagine that all of us adults know right from wrong. We may not express it but intrinsictly we know even as we are saying or doing things we shouldn’t. We know cruelty is wrong and harsh words and bullying and name calling are wrong. Today in the news of politics we are seeing adults engage in these petty, cruel schoolyard acts. Perhaps We all should consider Love in words and deeds for kindness is the first ingredient of love. Teach children Love.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Clarence, the Angel & It’s a Wonderful Life

I don’t remember the first time I saw the iconic 1946 film, It’s A Wonderful Life  but the film has been one of the inspirations for my writing the Mystic Bay Series. 

Many remember theChristmas story where George Bailey is contemplating suicide by jumping off the town bridge into the river. His family business has been ruined, he thinks, by the antagonist, the wealthy and ruthless Mr. Potter. But all is about to change when George is about to jump into the water and unbeknownst to him, Clarence, his guardian angel is sent from heaven to help. Clarence  jumps in first crying for George to save him. George jumps in and saves Clarence.  Clarence tells George he is his angel and shows him what life would have been like had George never been born. All the goodness George showed his family and neighbors would never have happened and Mr. Potter would run the town into the ground.

This classic in humanity helped inspire me to write my nine books. I believe in angels and I believe they are here for us all, sometimes seen and most times unseen. In this time of war in parts of the world and sorrow plaguing so many, I continue writing about love, forgiveness, redemption with angels at the helm. I’ve been through sorrow but somehow I’ve always known there’s a Clarence in all our lives. Think about angels. I do all day long.I honor the film It’s A wonderful Life in all my books because good always wins and the bully never does. Goodness and kindness are actions of love.

Tuesdays With The Angels- Angel Inspirations- Being Champions For Our Children

I was a special education teacher for twenty-five wonderful years. When I retired I wrote my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder. I’d always had a heart for children, animals, the earth and those in need. Where did it come from?As a child I remember being around nine and witnessing bullying. A little girl with special needs, who would be diagnosed as a child with Down’s Syndrome today, rode her bike past school each morning. She was not allowed in regular public school in those years. Other children were laughing and calling her names and it made me hurt for her. Wondering why she wasn’t in school and why they were  mean to her was embedded in my heart. I knew even then I would never be mean like those kids were.

Now that I am a grandmother, and a writer, I reflect on the makeup of people in our world. Some have the hearts for others and some are the bullies of the world. Why? The bullies teach us how not to be, I know that for sure. Yet, why can’t they change or can they? In our warring world today, where bullying by politicians  and others is accepted as near normal, . we must keep loving, keep caring and keep on. The children of the world are watching how we handle life day by day. There is a theory that those  bullying adults have been bullied themselves and their jealousy and rage come from childhood experiences and the lack of love.

When I write my novels there is always a bully character who has an awakening  and changes his or her ways to good in the end. This is what I pray for. This is why I write. Because as I say and write frequently, the bully  never wins. Loving our children and helping them learn how to treat others, that’s the winning way. Being a champion for our innocent children, this is love’s triumph! Ask the angels because even the thought of them inspires me with hope and determination.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Every Child In The World Deserves Kindness

When I grew up, I knew angels were near. It just was a belief I held strongly and now that I am older, I still hold fast to this belief. I pray each day that  2024 may be the time the world takes notice of the effect war, bullying and suffering has on all the world’s children.

We are supposed to be children’s role models, their safe havens, their soft place to learn and grow.In my last blog I wrote, “Every child in the world deserves a wonderful life.”  I sure wish I could shout out these words for all the world to hear. But my shouting is found in my writing only and as I write, I hope my readers make sure they teach the children in their lives kindness, nourishing them with the  emotional fulfillment and love they need to grow into loving adults.

I pray angels will be near guiding us, helping us all understand yet the angels can’t do the work for us. It’s my 2024 hope that every adult will do the best they can for the children  in their lives and ultimately the children will  learn that bullying and hate are the losers and most importantly, kindness and  love will always win again and again. 

Tuesdays With The Angels-All Children Deserve A Wonderful Life

It’s A Wonderful Life has always been my favorite holiday movie. Maybe it’s because the theme of the film is truly about love and kindness and how it changes everything. In the film, an angel comes to change George’s life. George is a man who wants to end his life as the bully in the town has seemingly ruined the family business. Clarence, the angel, appears showing George what life would have been like if George had never been born. In the end George realizes his unselfish kindness to the townsfolk and his family has saved the business and that he really does have a Wonderful Life

I encountered an angel once long ago when hope seemed gone after my daughter died. The angel, like Clarence, appeared human to me and comforted me with his words. He seemingly disappeared and I realized it had been a true miracle in my life. I knew then putting my family first was paramount. Life had to go on and my children needed me more that ever.

I believe we must give our children a wonderful life as best we can. Through the wartorn world now, the children must be at the forefront of every adults mind. The children are the world’s future. They watch us, they learn from us. They can learn love or they can learn that bullying, another word for hate, is okay. Bullying has no place in our world. We must nuture our children as best we can. Just as George’s town helped him thwart the bully with their kindness, every child deserves protection from the hate in the world.

I believe in angels. Knowing that angels are here guiding us in seen or unseen ways gives me hope in humanity and human kindness. For hope and dreams and being kind to others helps our children no matter where they live in our world. Bless the children of the world for they all deserve a Wonderful Life.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Take Heart

Today I reflected on my writing and how fortunate I’ve been to write eight books. 20 Moon Rd. An Angel’s Tale just won first place in the communication contest from the National Federation of Press Women. Writing has been a second career but more importantly an avenue to get my whole being into writing about angels, love, forgiveness and triumph over sorrow.

I reflected today on the state of the world where war destroys countries and anger dominates so many lives on our beautiful blue planet. At night when I can’t sleep I write my books in my mind. I think of the characters, plots and scenarios for my readers to ponder. Of course, good always wins in all my stories. I believe good always wins in the end.

I could have easily become a bitter old woman losing my precious daughter so many years ago but instead I  moved forward. I had to go on in a positive way for my living children, my family, my friends and also for myself. I was given a gift to live here on planet earth as just me. 

I have had so many beautiful experiences, met so many unbelievably kind and wonderful people. I am blessed to have the appreciation for our earth and her creatures.

The words ‘take heart’ came at night from the angels, I’m sure. Writing at night also changed the way I pray. Yes, I pray for my family, and for the answers to problems but mostly now I pray for those less fortunate. I pray for the war torn lands and people, for the suffering of others and for a change in the wrong doings of others. I pray these people see the light. The light to me is God and His angels. Trying to  evolve at any age, is another gift I’ve been given. I’ll keep praying, writing and loving  because I know living is learning. Learning to love others and to pray for others is the greatest gift of all.

Take Heart.

Tuesdays With The Angels-Angels & Cardinals

There’s a saying that every time you see a Cardinal, an angel is near. In the hot summer sun of Arizona, a Cardinal and his mate have stayed since spring coming to my feeder everyday. I realize for all the decades I have lived in the Phoenix area, I only saw a Cardinal once before in my backyard.

So now they are ever present, their beauty reminding me of angels. I just won a national first place award from the NFPW, the distinguished organization, National Federation Of Press Women. The award was for my novella, 20 Moon Rd. An Angels Tale.

In all my books about Mystic Bay, I write about goodness, forgiveness and kindness. This book, dedicated to my father and my sister was a labor of love. I met a man once on a plane and I named my main character, Angel Ken, after him. Ken told me he was troubled about racial injustice in our society and I told him I would make him an angel in my books centered in Mystic Bay, the fictitious town I created.

But Ken never emailed me after I gave him my card.  Maybe he was an angel. I believe there are angels everywhere like I write in all my books.  Once upon a time as a child, I knew there were angels and it comforted me. I do know I met one once in human form at the saddest point of my life. The man I call Angel said comforting words to me. Now, the angels have sent cardinals for me to feed and gaze at in wonderment. I have an award to let me know, I’m doing what I was meant to do, write stories about angels. I’m trying to spread words of love. Because in my books as in real life, love always wins.

Tuesdays With The Angels-The Bully Never Wins

The Bully Never Wins in all my books. In the Mystic Bay Series there is always a bully who in the end has a lesson to learn. And many times the bully characters change for the better.

In Summer of Angels, to be published soon and part of the new Mystic Bay Mystery Series, a bully is about to commit a crime and meteorologist Gayle Force, and her partner, Alex Knight, set out to save an old man from drowning.

In my novels, I always use the theme of bullying along with other themes which include the presence of angels living as humans, romance, redemption and forgiveness.

Unfortunately, all of us at one time or another have experienced bullying or witnessed it first hand. My goal as I write is to let the reader know that through my life’s journey, I have found that love is stronger than hate.  In our own lives if the bully doesn’t learn a lesson then doesn’t it become his or her sorrow? You see Kindness prevails and Love Always Wins.