In our world where turmoil persists, the inspirations from the angels have led me to write the following. In one hundred years from now all that will matter to many of us human beings on earth is that we tried to pass our love to our children and grandchildren. We are all watching how the bullies of the world try to break peace and the promise of a harmonious future.
On our fragile God’s green earth each of us can make a difference. Passing the love on will be for me a message of hope for a future for my loved ones. The greedy, the narcissists clearly don’t understand what they are missing and that as bullies they will never win.
We must pray for our world, pass the love around to our family and friends with kindness toward all others. Love is more powerful than hate. Love is the triumph for the ages. Our children are watching these next one hundred years. Will the bully ever know that love is the only answer?