Tuesdays With The Angels-When The Angel Sent Butterflies

I’ve always wanted to write a children’s book but never in my wildest dreams thought I’d become an author of three novels let alone pen a lovely children’s book. But then a serendipitous moment arrived. An acquaintance read Town of Angels. She said, “You know, this story is so beautiful you need to write a children’s book with Angel Ken and the butterflies!” I was touched and pondered it for a few months yet I knew unfortunately, my artistic skills were limited to stick figures.

Not knowing who could illustrate the book I set to writing the book anyway with hopeful anticipation using my grandchildren Jones and Kate as the children’s characters, Angel Ken, from Town of Angels, and Billie, my grandchildren’s dog as the other characters. Of course butterflies were everywhere in the story.

Yet the synchronicity of happenings arrived as it does so often. It came to me to  ask my friend and fellow author Susan Clare Anderson if she would illustrate the book for me.  I love the way she draws and paints. She said she’d think about it. Lo and behold some time later she told me she found a big white feather on her driveway and thought of me and my angel books. “Funny you should mention this,” I told her. ” For  recently, I too found a big white feather by the side of my house!” We compared them side by side and decided When The Angel Sent Butterflies was meant to be. 

But in the way of the angels this was not the last of the synchronicities because as Susan drew the little children I realized they  looked a lot  like Jones and Kate. The amazing part of it was that Susan had never  seen a photo of the children.

You can call it fate or coincidence but I call it something else. Swirling ideas were sent to me on angel’s wings and a beautiful children’s book came to life. Children need to know love from their parents and others surrounds them. Love conquers fear and believing angels are near can help sweep away any childhood fear. In this story Angel Ken sending Jones and Kate butterflies is my example of sending love.

And the butterflies and bees in the story? I  believe they are guardians of this precious Earth, little angels themselves, every one.