Tuesdays With The Angels-Imagine Angels

Watching John Legend and Keith Urban sing Imagine by John Lennon at the opening of the Olympics brought home what I’ve always known, music is God’s gift to us, an ingredient of Love. My heartfelt  wish for the world ….a world where we would all really live as one.  Hope should be in everyone’s heart.

Hope in humanity is ever present in my soul. When I met the man named Ken on a plane five years ago, I was inspired to write a kind man, who was really an angel, the character Angel Ken. I told Ken I would write him in my novel Town of Angels as an angel and I did. I gave him my card but he never contacted me. There are many people I know and meet who have the quality angels have. It’s a quality so many have but aren’t using. With gentleness of heart, I write. People may say I’m a dreamer as the song, Imagine, goes. So, I’ll keep writing books about love, forgiveness, hope and redemption. This is what I dream about. Imagine and dare to believe in angels. Imagine angels singing above, imagine God is telling the angels to inspire us not only with music but with good deeds. Imagine a future where our children and grandchildren know peace and joy. Maybe peace will happen because of music. I wrote this in my novella, Children, their voices are the songs God has written.                     

Tuesdays With The Angels- Love vs Bullying

 Bullying happens at some point to all of us either in person or on social media. When very personal unkind questions were posed to me the other day,  I didn’t hesitate. For long ago I realized the gift of love, forgiveness and carrying on.

As I write in my novels and blogs the bully is the ultimate sad character. He or she never wins while only trying to feel superior  by hurting others.

Recently, one of my children told me of a friend who said racist remarks about another. “How sad,” I said. “I’m so happy you have grown up to be a kind loving person.”

The other day I turned a bullying comment away myself by ignoring the intrusive negative comment and moving on to a positive yet vague comment of my own with no personal information given.

Today in our world, I believe there’s a spiritual awakening and only love can mend us all. Loving yourself and others is the only armor anyone needs to counteract any cruelty. The angels have been with me on Tuesdays and everyday all my wonderful grateful life.