Over the years teaching children with special needs I found myself in awe of their wholesomeness. The first student that touched my heart was named Heather. Her middle name was Angel. I worked in a community center in a day long program for these children. Heather was a fun and lively nine year old with a heart of gold. My first student with Down’s Syndrome, she paved the way for me to grow to love them all. I was so new and knew very little about children with disabilities but had wanted to teach these children since high school where I volunteered with girls with special needs who came to our school to learn to swim. Teaching Heather was a joy and her parents were the nicest people who encouraged their children with hope and boundless love. It’s been years since I saw her or her parents. It is my hope that Heather is somewhere happy, healthy and enjoying life for she was a wonderful child. Her favorite thing to say to me was, “Jody, you nut” and “Jody cowboy.” Heather made such an impact in my life that in my novels The Angel’s Daughter and To Catch an Angel, a few female characters have Angel as their middle name. Heather is the name of a child adopted in To Catch an Angel. I always will be grateful to all my students and Heather, the first student who stole my heart.
Tuesdays With The Angels-Children and Angels 3
Posted in Angels.