Angel Story From Debra Larson

A couple of months ago my sister-in-law passed away after a short illness, leaving behind her loving son – my nephew, Sean. She was only 55 and my nephew, 21. Sean was very close to his mother, making it all that much harder to lose her so quickly and at such a young age.

My sister-in-law was cremated and her remains were buried next to her father in Greenwood cemetery. My brother, my nephew and I drove to the cemetery where we met other members of the family for the burial. The ceremony at the gravesite was very touching. When the minister finished with prayers and kind words, Sean placed his mother’s urn into the grave.

After the service, the three of us decided to have breakfast before driving home. Five minutes away was a place called Greenwoods Café. Ironically, it had the same name as the cemetery. It was Veteran’s Day and there was a sign on the door that Veterans eat free. I don’t know if that was the reason it was so crowded or if that was the typical Saturday morning crowd. When we walked in, there were no seats available. I wasn’t sure if we wanted to wait or leave and find another place to eat.

A woman was sitting by herself at a table (right next to us) and asked us if we wanted to join her. It took us a minute to understand exactly what she was asking/offering because it’s not every day a stranger asks if you want to sit at their table and eat with them. We took her up on her offer and sat down with her. About five minutes later a booth opened up and the waitress asked us if we wanted to move to the booth and we said no, we were good where we were. I’m so happy we stayed put.

This lady was so nice and hilarious too. We learned that she’s 74. She joked about how she was in the CIA and insisted my brother was too. She kept telling my brother that she knew him from somewhere and what a good father he is. She thought it was so cool that Sean was studying Cybersecurity. She really took a liking to Sean, telling him how she could tell what a good kid he is. At one point my brother and I started talking about something else and she started talking to Sean like they’ve known each other for years.

So, we ate, talked and laughed for about an hour or so. It wasn’t until we were ready to leave that we introduced ourselves. She said her name is Sister Mary. I couldn’t believe this funny woman who jokingly cursed a couple of times, talked about the Spotted Cow beer she had at the bar last night was a “Sister”. Then she shook my brother’s hand, my hand and gave Sean the biggest, tightest hug I’ve ever seen a stranger give anyone.

We walked out of the restaurant, and I said “Sean, we just had breakfast with your Mom”. I said, it may sound crazy but I believe it. My brother and Sean believe it too.

I couldn’t stop thinking about this encounter the whole drive home. She told my brother what a good Father he is to Sean. She told Sean how proud she is of him and what a good kid he is. And for me, prior to her death, my sister-in-law and I had been talking about going out to breakfast for months. For one reason or another, we didn’t get around to it but she always promised we would. That was the breakfast she promised me! All three of us felt such peace after our angel encounter with Sister Mary.

Angel Story From Joy

I was leaving my teller job at a local bank in Santa Cruz, CA twenty nine years ago when I was twenty eight years old. I walked to work five days a week. It was a lovely walk from my home to the bank through a residential neighborhood and took me about fifteen minutes. As I left work this particular day, I noticed it was beginning to rain so I was using my umbrella as I crossed the busy street in front of the bank. I was using the crosswalk and it was a crosswalk without any stop lights. So I always looked very carefully before I crossed the street. I did see cars far to the right of the crosswalk but the speed limit was twenty five mph so I felt I had plenty of time to cross. As I started across and had stepped several steps in the road, I was hit by a car. The next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital with a nurse telling me I was going into surgery soon and I had been hit by a car.

I did fully recover after about six weeks after having surgery to repair my broken right shoulder, broken right elbow, and torn right knee ligaments. Also my pelvis was fractured. I was lucky to have a top emergency room doctor operate on me and care for me during my two week stay in the hospital.

While recuperating in the hospital I was informed that I was hit by a drunk driver who fled the scene after hitting me. He did return later but not to own up to hitting me but just to see if I was going to survive. The police questioned him when they saw his damaged windshield and witnesses said he was the driver so he was arrested right away after also failing a sobriety test.

I was informed several months later during the court hearing for the drunk driver that a couple had stopped their car to protect me while I was laying unconscious in the crosswalk. I never found out who this couple was but I know they were my guardian angels. I have thought about their heroic act quite frequently through the years and I am so grateful for this Divine power of angels from God. I was very young when this accident happened and have had a lot of wonderful times since this horrific day. I thank my blessings from God everyday and I’m so thankful to God for sending my guardian angels to save my life on that rainy evening.

Tuesdays With The Angels: Angel Story by Dawn B.

Yes there are angels! If you allow yourself to become still, in a quiet space of love and trust, you may just see one too. I saw my angel during a crystal bowl meditation. His name came first which confused me, so I questioned why I was seeing the name “Gerald” and the name appeared a second time, even more clearly. Then I saw the most beautiful, tall, huge angel and I realized it was his name. Although I could not see details of his face. He was the most magnificant angel with light blue/grey colored wings as long as his body. I remember this vividly! What is also interesting is that I picked up a journal I had kept in 1993, and just before Christmas that year I had journaled seeing “the most powerful and beautiful angel with huge arching wings” in my twilight state just before falling asleep. I personally believe they are joyful when we see them and acknowledge their existence, and that we begin to feel them always with us. I gives me great peace and comfort. Believe. Love. Trust.