Tuesdays With The Angels: Angel Story by Dawn B.

Yes there are angels! If you allow yourself to become still, in a quiet space of love and trust, you may just see one too. I saw my angel during a crystal bowl meditation. His name came first which confused me, so I questioned why I was seeing the name “Gerald” and the name appeared a second time, even more clearly. Then I saw the most beautiful, tall, huge angel and I realized it was his name. Although I could not see details of his face. He was the most magnificant angel with light blue/grey colored wings as long as his body. I remember this vividly! What is also interesting is that I picked up a journal I had kept in 1993, and just before Christmas that year I had journaled seeing “the most powerful and beautiful angel with huge arching wings” in my twilight state just before falling asleep. I personally believe they are joyful when we see them and acknowledge their existence, and that we begin to feel them always with us. I gives me great peace and comfort. Believe. Love. Trust.

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