Tuesdays With The Angels-Angel Stories

I meet them, lovely people with stories of angels. I participated in the awesome Payson Book Festival last weekend. I displayed my six books, four in the Mystic Bay Series, my memoir and children’s book.

I love meeting people that pass by my table. I ask each and every one if they have seen an angel and most have had one experience. One woman told me she knows her angel is near but cannot visually see her.  The angel, keeps watch over her and has all her life. Another man, dressed in cowboy hat and shirt, told me he knew there were angels because he was near eighty years old and still alive after a few life threatening experiences. One woman told me an unseen angel pushed her car to safety in a snow storm, the handprints of someone were left on the snowy back of the car.

The more I write angel stories, and ask people about angels, the more I believe. The  novels I write set in the fictional town of Mystic Bay, are prayerfully engraved in my heart. Recounting my teaching career with special needs students in my memoir, Special Needs Children The Angels On My Shoulder, gives readers hopefully an enlightened message. These students showed me their hearts of angels, changing my world to one of purpose and inspiration. And years ago, I met a man months after losing my daughter, Kate. He comforted me with his presence. He seemed like an ordinary human but the second day I saw him, I knew he was a heavenly being miraculously sent to comfort me. He became the inspiration for my Mystic Bay Series where angels live as humans and no one knows the secret.

As I write I find a loving heart can survive loss and inspire others with stories about angels. The angel stories from friends and perfect strangers help me write. These people, some who I may never meet again, are all kind and loving souls willing to share. They are angels on earth to me. 

At the end of my latest novella, Town of Angels Christmas, A Tale of Love and Animal Rescue, I’ve put an excerpt of the fifth novel in the Mystic Bay Series I’m presently writing called Twenty Moon Road The Psychic and the Angels. The first chapter is on paper yet the rest of the story swirls in my mind like white clouds flecked with silver linings in the sky. My books bring me peace, bringing readers stories of love, redemption, mystery, forgiveness and hope. The books I write hopefully bring others joy. For as you see below, the letters for joy, are forever spelled in my name.

Posted in Angels.