Tuesdays With The Angels-Children and Angels 1.

At book signings I always ask everyone who comes up to my table if they think they might have ever had an encounter with an angel. I find so many people have had some kind of angel connection and are eager to share their  spiritual experience. One family came  up to me at a book fair and told me of their little three year old’s  sighting.  One day the little girl said she saw an angel standing before them. They did not see the angel and were surprised when their little girl raised both arms to heaven and shouted “Glory Hallelujah!

Many children have had angel experiences. In my novel To Catch an Angel,  miracles happen in Mystic Bay as three children have angel encounters. These events bring the whole town together to share in the joy of the angel sightings. The effect of  love from the angel sightings goes all around the world. I believe there’s really a spiritual awakening in the world today! I believe in angels…

Posted in Angels.